Commenti a caldo sull’elezione di Obama by

5 Nov
  • poi un nero ha il diritto ad essere un politico disastroso come lo avrebbe un bianco, e questo è importante” (Giuseppe Visimberga)
  • President Bush eliminated the position of Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology. There is still a Director of the White-House Office of Science and Technology Policy, who is frequently referred to by the press as the ‘Science Advisor’, but his office is not in the White House, nor is it next door in the Old Executive Office Building; he’s a block away in the New Executive Office Building. He might as well be in Alaska as he’s never consulted anyway. So your first job should be to restore the position of Science Advisor to the President to the importance it held under Dwight Eisenhower.” (Robert L. Park via Nature Physics)

1 Response to Commenti a caldo sull’elezione di Obama



Novembre 5th, 2008 at 15:18

Sullo scorso numero di Le Scienze si analizzavano criticamente le intenzioni di Obama (e di McCain) su ambiente e scienza.
Ma nonostante i dubbi che vennero espressi resta comunque il candidato più lungimirante su tali tematiche.
